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Probleme mit der Heizung: Probleme vorbeugen (Teil 2/3)

Veröffentlicht am 27.01.2025, 16:05 Uhr

If you have your heating serviced regularly and look after it properly, you can avoid many problems and potential damage. This way you can avoid a lot of hassle and be prepared for the cold season. It is best to plan a heating inspection in spring or summer when you are not using the heating anyway.

Part 1: Heating problems: What to do?
Part 2: Preventing problems: Proper maintenance and care
Part 3: Heating problems: Legal questions for tenants

Part 2 – Preventing problems: Proper maintenance and care

Tip: Clean the heater

Only a clean radiator without dust and dirt heats really efficiently. Therefore, you should clean your radiators regularly . The best way to remove dust from a ribbed radiator is with a fluff or feather duster or alternatively with a suitable vacuum cleaner attachment .

If you smoke at home , nicotine will also build up on the radiator. You can remove this with grease removers. It is a good idea to repaint the radiator every few years .

Tip: Painting and varnishing the heater

To protect the heater from corrosion and moisture, it is important to repaint and varnish it every few years . This is also recommended for aesthetic reasons.

Before painting, clean your radiator thoroughly , sand off any rust properly and paint it with rust protection primer . Choosing the right paint is also particularly important, as it must be heat-resistant . So look for special radiator paint in a hardware store or specialist shop , or ask for a suitable product recommended.

Tip: Refill water

If your heating system is running low on water , it must be refilled by a specialist because the water must be treated and conditioned to suit the system. To find out if this is necessary, check the water level or water pressure before the start of the next heating season.

The manometer , the pressure gauge of the heater, shows you whether the heater has enough pressure and therefore there is enough water in the system. You can find the relevant values ​​in the manual for your heater or you can ask a specialist .

Tip: Heating maintenance

A heating system should be serviced regularly by a specialist to avoid problems and damage. How often and to what extent this should be done depends on the type of heating system you have .

Annual maintenance is generally recommended . You can take out a maintenance contract , which is usually cheaper than a single maintenance order and often also includes a free emergency service .

Schlagworte: Heizung | Mietrecht

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